
1st Peter, Part 9

Bible Study covering 1st Peter 4:4 - 1st Peter 4:17

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The Importance of Children

Why does the Church put so much time and energy into children? Is God really that concerned about little kids? In this sermon we'll examine God's attitude toward the little ones and see if our approach matches His.

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The Kingdom Parables

Some of the stories that Christ told are known as the ‘Kingdom Parables’ because they begin with the phrase, “The Kingdom of God is like…”  What should we learn from these ‘Kingdom Parables’?

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Do Not Quench the Spirit

The Holy Spirit is compared to a fire, which we are told not to quench.  We keep it aflame by fueling it with God's word, giving it space to breathe by making use of solitude, and removing the heat-sapping physical distractions from our lives.

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What Happens When you Die

There is much confusion about what happens after death. The Bible reveals knowledge that few seem to understand about what happens after a Christian dies.

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Lessons from Jehoshaphat

There are many lessons we can learn from the kings of Judah. Today we will look at some lessons we can learn from King Jehoshaphat, one of the most righteous kings of Judah  

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The Curious Case of Simon Magus

The book of Acts tells the story of a mysterious individual named Simon, who was baptized and then tried to buy the office of apostle. Why did Luke dedicate 16 verses to this man? What can we learn from the curious case of Simon Magus?

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Whole-Brain Christians

Brain researchers conclude that the two halves of the brain may be responsible for differing functions. A "right-brain" dominated person is thought to be more emotional and creative whereas a left-brain dominated person is thought to be more analytical and task-oriented. Where does Christianity reside in the brain?  Are...

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The Word of God - Hebrews 4.12

Over the years the Church of God has taught about the importance of the Word of God. We are a Church unlike others in that we literally believe the Bible and its authority over a Christian’s life. We believe that the whole Bible from the book of Genesis...

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Healing Relationships

One of the most hurtful things a Christian can deal with may be a sin or offence that comes from a brother or sister in the faith. How can these relationships be healed?

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