
Do You Misuse God’s Name?

The Third Commandment instructs us about reverence for the name of God. In this sermon we’ll look at the obvious and not-so-obvious ways that God’s name might be misused.

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2nd Peter, Part 2

Reviewing 2nd Peter 1:12 - 21

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To Catch a Thief

The Eighth Commandment is straightforward and simple – You shall not steal. Are we sure that we completely understand this and apply this commandments to ourselves. Is it possible we might be a thief?

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Blessings that Come from Tithing

We all know the commands regarding tithing, but God also reveals a number of blessings that He bestows on us when we do tithe and give offerings.

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2nd Peter, Part 1

Reviewing 2nd Peter 1:1 - 11

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The Ministry of Death

What did Paul mean when he wrote of the “ministry of death” as opposed to the “ministry of the Spirit?” In this sermon we will explore 2 Corinthians 3 to learn the answer.

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Write and Keep God’s Commands on Your Heart

This afternoon let’s find out just what God wants us to write and keep on our hearts.

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He Who Overcomes

What does the word "overcome" mean? What exactly are we supposed to overcome? How do we achieve it?

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Child Rearing Values

To whom do we listen to gather principles by which to raise our children? In this sermon we will look at some of the biblical values that parents will want to teach their children.

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The Pillars of Character

Entrance into the Family of God is only possible if we develop holy, righteous, character. What is character? In this sermon we will examine the component parts of the holy, righteous, character that we all want to be developing.

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